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Bub-Chi species guide - Sub-Species



Bless the Discord chat and the community for bringing this idea out of nowhere.

The long awaited sub-species are finally here!
The world is getting bigger and it needs some other races rather than just simple common Bub-Chi, right? So now we have three more of them: water Me-Chi, mountains Ye-Chi and cave Ca-Chi. Each sub-species has their significant traits and features, so they are clearly different and not like usual Bub-Chi.

All sub-species Chis can be rarely seen since there are not many of them, so their basic rarity as an adoptable is rare, that, yes, will affect their prices. Still there will be an option to turn your regular Chi to the sub-species one by buying the special item from the ~Group shop~.

Distinctive features and how they work:


Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U! Any Me-Chi should have at least one aquatic-like trait that will define them as Me-Chi. It can be either fins, gills, fish scales, webbed hands, etc. Back fins can't be too large to be confused with wings blessing.
Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U! All Me-Chi can breath underwater, but they still can breath at the surface as well.

Sea Green Bullet - F2U! Me-Chi ears can be more fin-like when they are thinner and translucent at the ends. Folded ears have the uncommon shaped trait due to their, well, shape.
Sea Green Bullet - F2U! Bioluminescence is also the optional trait. It usually presents as glowing marks on the body or patterns, but it can't affect huge solid areas like the whole arm or leg. Please keep in mind that bioluminescence don't work on eyes! Glowing eyes is the special trait for the Bub-Chi mages of Adept rank or higher.
Sea Green Bullet - F2U! If Me-Chi has a blessing or curse, it can have aquatic features. For example coral horns, fish tails, water plants in the sprout curse and so on.


Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U! All Ye-Chi have digitigrade legs. If they don't they are not a Ye-Chi. ;)
Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U! Ye-Chi are extremely fluffy because they need to survive cold temperatures
all year round. As a result - the fur rarity work different for them and it biased towards "common":
- Dot Bullet (Light Blue) - F2U! Medium fur is common/uncommon
- Dark Purple Dot Bullet - F2U! Long fur is rare
- Dark Pink Dot Bullet - F2U! Short fur is super-rare
- Dull Green Dot Bullet - F2U! Fur collar is common

Sea Green Bullet - F2U! Ye-Chi eyebrows can grow really long and be fluffy as well. Length is not limited!
Sea Green Bullet - F2U! Ye-Chi legs can have some sort of hooves - the nail-like outgrowths on the toes. They cover only the front area of toes.
Sea Green Bullet - F2U! If Ye-Chi has a blessing or curse, it usually look more feral. Fluffy tails, antlers, "wooly" wings, "centaur" multiply curse, winter plants and so on.



Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U! All Ca-Chi can turn their fingers into claws and then back to normal. It helps them explore the caves they are living since the soil can be pretty hard on such depths.
Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U! Night vision is one more trait all Ca-Chi have. Their pupils a bit wider to help them see even with the small source of light.

Sea Green Bullet - F2U! Ca-Chi can have various spikes and
chitin- or bone-like plates all over the body that can give them nice rocky textures. Spikes can grow anywhere, but they shouldn't be placed on the head in a way they will resemble horns. Also Ca-Chi can have pretty big tusks.
Sea Green Bullet - F2U! Crystal curse has the heaviest effect on Ca-Chi sub-species, and that means they can have the crystal curse for free - no special upgrade is needed!

Bub-Chi are closed species by KetLike
Please don't make one yourself

Bub-Chi species info
~Bub-Chi T.O.S.~
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destructoPop's avatar
In the traits section there's a depiction of a tail on a Ye-Chi. Is that for depicting that blessings and curses look feral, or can they have tails?